Beware of BestLasVegasTours which is a booking company for tours around Las Vegas and the GrandCanyon. (One of its other names is Booking Interactive, LLC) My wife and I had scheduled a flight over the Grand Canyon through them for April 28, 2010 but the flight was canceled because of high winds. Papillon Helicopters refunded part of my money but not the $71.88 deposit. I've emailed BestLasVegasTours a number of times but never received a response. I've been calling them frequently since May at 866-688-2378 ext. 2 and have spoken to Mike, Matthew, Jay, Craig and others. At one point Matthew even provided me with his direct number at 801-823-2027 but then he suddenly left on an extended leave so I have had to speak to others since. They are always apologetic and admit that they owe me the money and say they will send a check, but I never received one.
Including the times I have called and got their voice mail or a full voice mailbox (even on weekdays), I've probably called around 50 times. In November they finally transferred my phone call to a fellow named Craig whom they said was the owner. He was very apologetic and assured me that he would personally send me a check within about ten days. I never received the check but have made subsequent calls asking for Craig. I have not been able to reach him and have left messages for him but never received a return call. I know it is not much money but I'm retired and have a small fixed income. In December I finally contacted a San Francisco television station channel 7 KGO “7 On Your Side” out of desperation. Their representative informed me that he spoke with “Craig” (E. Craig Fletcher) several times and also emailed him, but they have still not returned my money. I was informed that the matter has now been referred to one of the KGO sponsors for consideration of an investigative news report regarding this company.
I recently noticed BestLasVegasTours has an F rating by the Better Business Bureau and that there are many consumer complaints on the Internet. I wish I had known that before. All I am asking is that they return the deposit they admit they owe me because the tour company canceled our tour. It has been almost a year now since the flight was canceled and I have not received the refund they readily admit they owe me.