The psychiatrist at Harvard Vanguard's Behavior Health in Quincy--Lee Altman, M.D.-- was paid over $46,000 in bonuses by big Pharma!
Long story short, he had my friend hooked on big time levels of benzo's, then sent her into a cold turkey siezure, 3 emergency room visits and finally a medically supervised detox. Every medical pro is astounded at the levels and length of time he was prescribing them to her (he upped her dosages for over 5 months. Benzo's (Klonopin, etc.) are only FDA approved for short term.)
He needs to answer to his patients and their families. Not the legalized drug cartels.
Go to ProPublica's website to find out how much big pharma is paying off your doc. Helps you understand why we are all being drugged to death.