I took my 2002 Oldsmobile Alero into this shop after calling 4 others to have my Power Steering Pump replaced(another mechanic at the auto store diagnosed) First they had the lowest price by far and second I explained that I am a full time working college student and asked if there was any way they could squeeze me in and they did ... then 30mins after I dropped it off they called me and asked me if I was sure it was my Power steering pump and wanted to make sure of the noise I was hearing ... again they called me about an hour after and said it is not your power steering it's your tensioner and belt and also gave me a great deal on that ... they could have been like so many other shops and replaced the pump and then told me the real problem but they didnt ... I went to pick my car up and it was running great no noise and on top of everything they did they replaced all 18 of my missing bolts and caps and even replace my vaccume seal ... and to top it off they were professional !!! Def will not be going anywhere else EVER AGAIN !!!