ETHRA stands for East Tennessee Human Resource Agency. It used to be a damn good transportation service. They are cheaper than a taxi service.\r
They would take people to different counties here in East Tennessee. They would take people to medical appointments or to go shopping. This came in handy because I'm unable to drive.\r
They did a few things that irritated me but I was able to live with it. At first people had to give them only 24 hours notice to ride in their vans. But then they started making people give them 48 hours notice and a short time later, they required 72 hours notice. They also doubled their prices.\r
Now they will only take a person to go shopping within his or her own county. This was the last straw. There are no good stores in my county. The best store that's in my county is the Family Dollar. This is very unfair of ETHRA.\r
My dad is going to take me to my medical appointments from now on and I've decided to never ride with ETHRA again.