Here is my experience with this business. A couple of weeks ago I went to the store for the first time to see their selection and prices. When I buy PM I always ask the seller about his buy back policy. So I asked the salesman and he said it's ""$1 below the spot."" Very well, I said and left. I never buy when I do my first ""reconnaissance"" visit. Thanks to my grandpa who taught me a couple things EVERY buyer of PMs should know. So today I called the store and asked about their present buying price. Imagine my surprise when instead of hearing $1,392 which was $1 off the COMEX gold price on their website ticker, the salesman asked me ""what kind of gold"" I had. Oh, oh... I though, thank you grandpa. Let's see what happens next. So I say to the guy I have some Krugerrands and Buffalows. He pretends using his calculator and gives me this: $1,366. $27 below the spot! How come? I say . The gentleman I talked with about your buying policy said it's $1 below the spot. So the guy yells at me ""What?! Do you know that gold dropped $46 OVERNIGHT? But I don't care how much gold dropped ""overnight"". I am asking about your buy back POLICY? DO YOU HAVE ONE? And by the way I'm looking right now at the KINCO and your tickers and they both have the spot price of $1,393. How come you offer me $1,366 for a BU BUFFALO?! At this point the guy realizes that I was not born yesterday, so he says: I have a lot of this stuff now I don't need more and blah-blah-blah.