When we first hired IQ and Adnan Khan, they were great. But .... we have now concluded that IQ Systems and Adnan Khan are greedy and dishonest. They told us we had to replace our entire network of computers which I've learned is not true. They tried to charge us $8000 for a piece of hardware. I searched for similar h/w pieces and found that the most expensive was about $3500 to service a company the size of IBM. We have less than 10 employees!!! I thought maybe there was a typo or an administrative error. We asked them to give us any proof that they had actually installed the h/w or even bought it. We asked for a manufacturer and model number. They ignored our questions for months. Finally, they told us they would take it back, but they needed it retrieve it right away, and so we would have to make alternative arrangements to replace the h/w. We did, but then they never even came to pick it up. Turns out they never installed it!! $8000!! And we had been clients for years.
Once this happened, we asked for confirmation and mfgr and model number for s/w they ""installed"". Same response from IQ Systems. We said we would pay for it if they could provide the info. They would not but said they needed to retrieve a piece of h/w that contained the s/w. They never picked that up either.
There's more, but you get the point. Now we got a new firm to do our IT. Adnan Khan and IQ Systems wont even give us necessary information so we can maintain the system they built for us. And we even paid all the bills (except for the $8K above).