I came on this boat last summer for my friend graduation. The boat lasted about 3 hours with live reggae music the whole time. The boat had two decks the bottom deck had the bar dance floor and it was the place where the band played. The top deck was just and open area to cool off with some seating.. i was never really a big fan of reggae before i came on the boat, but the singer and the band were really good and got me going. My friend and I were none stop dancing the whole time. Besides the band the crew on the boat were very nice. Every time we went up and down the stairs there was a cute boy to help us up and down. Then the most important part the bar. The bartender made this drink they called ""Rasta Juice"". never heard of it but it was really good. I am graduating this summer and all of my friend and I are going to again. All in all it was a fun time!!!!