Usually Nordstrom is known for customer service and I shop there often enough to have been a happy with my experience most times. Usually the sales people are helpful and cheerful. The only exceptions are the women in the luxury lines of Eileen Fisher, St. John, Misook. I went on a slow weekday when I was only one of a couple of customers. Although they were happy to help me when they thought they were going to make a sale, when they didn't have my size I asked them to call Cherry Creek to see if they had it. I had to leave so I specifically asked them if they could call me to see if the other Nordstrom found them. I was surprised to get a message stating that they could not find out the answer (got sick of waiting on the phone line, probably) and just wished me luck in finding out the information on my own. It seems to me that when they realized that I would be going to Cherry Creek Nordstrom, they had no interest in helping me. It is sad that they are so obviously just concerned with their commission and are not helpful in finding what the customer is looking for even if it is at another Nordstrom.