Had a major sewage line break which flooded our basement and the 1st plumber to come to our home did what appeared to be an OK job but did not solve the issue. The 2nd set of plumbers also appeared to do a fine job but did not solve the issue. Once they determined the break, we were told we needed to dig out the line to get it fixed. The break was on a major slop in the back of the house and digging would be a major project.
At this point we of course have no sewage service, and they “seemed” to understand the urgency of the matter. We were told to expect someone out in the morning to bid the job. The next day arrives, no one shows, we make a call, and get “Oh, we just worked the bid based on the previous guys notes, we will have a bid to you in a few hours.” Nope, not only did we not get it that day, when I called back to ask for it, Christina was gone for the day. Lucky we had others also bid on this job.
From Tuesday expecting the bid, to Thursday, we still had nothing, including any follow up from them. We paid close to $500 to be told it’s broken and it is going to be labor intensive and expensive to fix.
For emergencies they may be OK, for major issues they are a waste of time. They lost a 5 figure contract, and did not care.