The woman who put down this doctor and practice has multiple problems. First, I believe if you need strong pain medication daily you are an addict of sorts. I have had endometriosis long ago with very unnatural symptoms that defied diagnosis. One of the few who believed me was my husband. He asked doctor (in another state) to do an exploratory. I told him I was right. Sure enough I had some growths from it cauterized off and yes, went on androgen medication to stop my period. This is the correct method of treating it if this woman did not know. The only way to kill it is to stop feeding it estogen and yes, there are side effects. If you are bad enough to have daily pain killers then I suggest a hysterectomy and oofarectomy. I also had a cyst asperated. Previous to all of this I had an ovary infection and much later a 3 year wait to find I had a polyp growing in my uterus. All through this I took very few pain pills and endured.
It is the responsibility of the patient to remember when to get examined! Make your appointments far in advanced as doctors are fully booked. For lumps in unusual places I'd see a regular doctor or a surgeon. I am satisfied with this doctor and practice though I had a frightening experience 2 years ago. They are good doctors and I'd recommend this practice to anyone. I go to the Willow Pond office and have never had a long wait. Maybe 15 minutes or so is it. However, nothing is ever perfect, thus 4 stars!