We did not meet Dr. Elaine Moore and the staff of North Alabama Cat & Bird Clinic until 11/10. Our precious BabyKat was already sick. One morning we got up and she wasn't walking on her back paws but flat footed. She was an inside cat so we knew nothing could have hurt her. We took her to her vet he did blood work and X-rays and thought she had some lesions at the tip of her spine that had caused nerve damage. He was not sure exactly what was going on.We deceided to get a second opinion and chose North Alabama Cat and Bird Clinic in Hartselle. Dr. Moore was so nice to BabyKat and us. She treated her like she was a little person and treated us like you would a little child's parents so very kind.She talked to her and comforted her. She looked at the X-Ray and told us BabyKat had a slipped disc in the middle of her back that had damaged nerves in spinal column. She was unable to have bowel movements and urinate on her own.Dr. Moore told us she might recover it would be a long process and