10 years ago, Jimmies used to be the best seafood place around. I tried Captians Galley, but Jimmies was better.Everytime I've been since, they've gotten cheaper and cheaper. the bathrooms smell like a dilapidated farm! The fried shrimp are no bigger than the baby shrimp they give you in Chinese take out! The tartar sauce "used" to be the best in the East Coast and now its diluted 2x and reused. Yeah re-used. Ever notice how they clear the table and throw away everything except the tartar. they re-use and re-serve it. Gross! Enough is enough. Jimmies is a thing of the past. Just close the place and give another business group a chance. Food sucks and they are rude as hell and it's not even worth it. They remolded but made no effort to cover up the nasty stench and flies.