My friend recommended this hosptal because she told me that they had modern equipment. She forgot to mention that they are pricey, although granted, they are well staffed, some folks on this board seem to have an issue about this doctor giving to the prop.8 campaign and stories about his other doctor. I dont know how someone who claims to care can have hate in his heart and care for animals...those two do not go together. If Dr.Corbett was so adamant about this issue he shouldnt be in this field, how can a someone who is gay go here without knowing about him and Dr.Corbett put on a straight face just so he can get his money and use that money to fight against human equality ? Dr. Corbett is not only a hypocrite but a liar a thief and uncaring human being ! Dr. Corbett may as well have a sign in front of his door saying "No Gays Allowed Here" if he believes in his doctrine so much. So there you have it, Dr.Corbett a biggot, Liar and a cheat he will put up a front just to get your mo