After reading rave reviews of this place I decided to treat my sweetheart to a Valentine's dinner here with great expectations. The only positives of the evening were the homemade tonic water and the foie gras was quite nice. The main courses were were terrible at best. I ordered the lobster risotto for $32.00 It looked like they shelled a crayfish and mixed it in with some Uncle Ben's. My gal ordered the ""famous"" rib eye which was about the gristliest piece of rib-eye we had ever tasted (for $51.00 no less). Obviously the chef cannot tell the difference between gristle and marbling. We did take the leftovers home (I hope her dog doesn't choke on the meat). No choice of sides was kind of a surprise. Limp boiled carrots is not everyone's cup of tea. Even if the food had been good the portions were tiny. Luckily we had some leftovers from the previous night's dinner to eat when we got home.
The blast of cold air from the front door was pleasant every time it opened. The attempt at a vestibule made out of someone's old curtains didn't do much to help. Getting pan-handled by the ghetto gang bangers at the end of the block after dinner was a nice touch at the end of the evening.
Avoid this place at all costs. There are plenty of places to spend $150.00 and get much better service and food in a much safer neighborhood.