Initially, I (a Chicagoan/Virginian) found finding an apartment rental stressful related to the various choices, got with Lisa and the stress dissipated. I told her what i wanted to pay for rent, what I had to have in an apt., the location I needed, the type of area I preferred to live in, within minutes she emailed me some suggestions that were precisely what I wanted. I've used her services twice and I've been extremely satisfied each time. She is extremely friendly and professional, I reccommend strongly reccommend her services to anyone.\r
Initially, I (a Chicagoan/Virginian) found finding an apartment rental stressful related to the various choices, got with Lisa and the stress dissipated. I told her what i wanted to pay for rent, what I had to have in an apt., the location I needed, the type of area I preferred to live in, within minutes she emailed me some suggestions that were precisely what I wanted. I've used her services twice and I've been extremely satisfied each time. She is extremely friendly and professional, I reccommend strongly reccommend her services to anyone.\r