I was leary of visiting this hacienda because of its rustic surroundings but decided to give it a chance.I was glad I did drive there. I was so surprise and amazed as I walked in to the building. It had such a warm and romantic feeling it felt as if I was walking into someones home of the past, and what an amazing courtyard big enough to hold a party within a party. I was made to feel so welcomed and staff was so very helpfull.Everything was shown to us in detail. I was shocked on the services provided for my daughters quiceanera.I must say that the hacienda staff out did themselves when they decorated for my daughters Blue Xmas theme quinceanera.It was nice the first time we entered the hacienda but when I saw it the day of my daughters quince I was so impressed tears almost ran down my face. I had been assured it was going to be prety and that they would be carefull on details however because of my budget, I never thought it would look that beautiful. There were times when I got frustrated and worried thinking I needed to have hands on however everytime I called I was assured things were getting taken care of, and they were right !\r
That day tables were surrounded by xmas trees decorated with blue everywhere . Everything was decorated tables chairs even the bathrooms. The food I new was going to be good for the coordinator had made a sample dinner for us and had been delicious. I was So gratefull when I miscalculated the amount of guests and the staff there imediately came up with the solution and saved me from somewhat of an imbarrasment . I am gratefull to them for they went way out of their way to help us.As for the cake, well I was willing to take a chance since it was complimemtary and included in our package. Because it was free I really was not expecting it to be so beautiful in detail.When you visit the hacienda ask to see the courtyard set up .Saddly because it was winter we were not able to use it however our family reunion is next.True meaning to the phrase picture perfect.My guests where so impressed however some did complained on why their GPS gave them the wrong directions.All in all Thank you Adobe hacienda for making my daughters' blue xmas theme a reality