It's always a plus when you walk into a business and feel instant calm with the surroundings. There are sayings on the wall, a video system with ongoing messages to help you stay healthy and explain chiropractic,and a lending library with many informative books.
Many years before I started Chiropractic, I lifted a patient during a fire drill an hurt my neck and low back. I was started on physical therapy which helped initially but the pain kept coming back and I would not be able to move my neck at all. Medication helped but I continued with terrible pain 4-5 times a years.
After an automobile accident, I began Chiropractic and have continued it ever since. It has been 21 years since the accident and I have never had another episode of being unable to move my neck and my low back pain is so much better. I have been going to Shrewsbury Family Chiropractic for 14 years and have received excellent care. I am healthier, almost never get any illnesses and if I do come down with a virus, my body is quick to handle it without drugs. It's important to get adjusted on a regular basis and Dr. Brian and Dr. Lauren are more than happy to see you if you feel you need that ""extra adjustment "" if you feel you are coming down with something.
Your health is so important, why not give it a try? You don't have to hurt to go. It is amazing how Chiropractic helps with medical problems and I have heard from other patients how they have been able to come off of lower many of the medications they are on.