3 strikes and your out guess it was just my stupidity to think that a restaurant could really be this bad three times last straw was valentines day they sat us down and thirty minutes later after i got my own drinks from the bar i found manager and asked if i can order my food anytime soon so we ordered our meals (if you can call it that)each of our meals came about 15 minutes of eachother so we didnt get to eat together then on top of that food was cold! wako steak was way over cooked damn near beef jerky (NO LIE) never once did waitress ask us if we neede anything so was hard to swallow our extremely dry and over cooked food and the sushi ive had better at costco thats been sittn on the shelf for a week. then 35 minutes later i went lookin for the manager to ask for our check and told him what was goin on i undestand it was V.day but dining area was not that busy and he said sorry then walked away the hostess was completely embarresed by his behavior and apologized repeatadly she was a sweetheart so when i seen the manager i made sure i stuffed the check in his chest and let this micro mini pimp! know that he had no business managing a restaurant i own my own business and i have never treated a customer this way no matter how busy i get and he just looked at me with this stupid smerk on his face didnt offer any dicount or any type of way to make it a little better so i will never go there again and will let family friends and customers know about this joke I mean restaurant...shogun and RA sushi i am sorry for cheatin on you it will never happen again!!