Some of these reviews were written by some of the many excellent students who have always attended all classes on time and put real effort into their homework and classwork. This kind of student is a joy to teach because they become real medical professionals.
This school has had over 90% quality students.....
But, this school has had students with the following problems:
1. Lack of attendance,
2. Tardy,
3. No effort on their homework & practice,
4. Cheating on examinations,
5. Falsifying homework records,
6. Causing disruptions in the classroom,
7. Bad attitudes and more!
This kind of student does not belong in the medical profession. You can tell which reviews were written by these students, they are too coward to sigh their name. They slander other people and businesses anonymously. Aren't you glad that they are not going to perform medical techniques on you or your family?