All of you guy's are absolutely hilarious!!! even the wifey & I agree she's hard as nails man! my girlfriend just got us an upgrade on are cable about a wk ago & we have both been glued to yalls show ever since. when she ""took the trash out"" i bout fell out my damn seat!!! If i was that joker i believe i'd move. And Ron who in the hell did you learn all those dang say'ns from,surely you didnt come up with em all yourself. Anyway folk's yall keep on repo'n & will keep on tuning in and laughing! By the way ur daughter is a cutie( obviously got her looks from mama's side the family huh biggin) good luck with ur business hope you guys go far, & i dont know how yalls huntin is over that way.i imagine not to shabby but if you & bobby ever wanna hunt some alabama white tail my best friends family owns 1250 acres in unionsprings, s.e. of mongomery and said you two got an open invitation next november , i got him watchin you guy's to & loves the show! c yall (850) 259-9596 . hey i'm serious(check it on the enternet) Folks pay like $1500 here for a 3 day hunt, & wont cost yall a dime we just think we would have a blast cause yall are crazy as hell