Eastern Connection Movers are, by far, the worst moving company ever. I have moved many times in the Philadelphia area - apartment, house, city, suburbs - and this was, by far, the worst move I ever experienced.
I hired Eastern Connection Movers on the strength of their "Best of Philly" credentials. Don't believe the hype.
First off, they showed up 1.5 hours late. Reason - it was cold. Really? It's too cold to go to work? I'll have to try that one. This is Philadelphia and we have winter - working in the cold is par for the course!!! When they finally got to my apartment in Plymouth Meeting, everything seemed on the up and up...at first. They did a good job of getting my furniture (which, by the way, was limited to a set of bedroom furniture, a glass curio, a small desk and a chair; the bulk of my move was boxes that I had packed myself) out of the apartment, but loading it onto the truck took 5 hours. FIVE HOURS. You would think that with 5 hours spent loading a truck, everything would be wrapped and secured, no damage to anything, right? WRONG! When they finally arrived at my new house in Philadelphia, it was one disaster after the next. My TV was scratched and cracked, every piece of furniture had a nick or dent of some sort, and what hadn't been damaged on the truck the movers managed to damage bringing up the stairs. They banged my furniture into the walls, scratched my hardwood floors, and tracked mud and dirt everywhere. There was rock salt in one of the drawers to my nightstand. HOW DOES ROCK SALT GET INSIDE THE DRAWER?!? They tried to explain that there was salt on the ground (duh....) and that some must have gotten on the blankets that they used to wrap my furniture. Again, perhaps, since this is the Northeast and it does snow here from time to time, maybe your men would shake out the blankets before using them to wrap furniture. Just a thought.
Then there was the matter of the light fixture on my ceiling that was broken, glass cleaned up and concealed. I didn't even discover this damage until the next day, when I happened to look up and see the large piece of missing glass.
But, the icing on the cake was when one of the movers thought it was appropriate to call me "sweetheart". Adding insult to injury was when management at Eastern Connection tried to excuse his unprofessional behavior by saying he was from the South and that's how the refer to people.
This whole debacle took 12 hours, cost me close to $1,000 and I'm now getting the run around with the insurance claim I submitted to cover the damages to my home and property. This moving company is dishonest, unreliable and unprofessional. Don't even think about using this company - they are the WORST.