First of all I am A Student at CCI. I have one of the best instructors in this school her name is Alex. She is such a good instructor that knows how to teach everything how its suppose to be & i learn how to manage to do the things i need to do. She is a great teacher & instructor. She shows me the basic stuff that im gona need to learn in order for me to be prepared for when i go out in the Medical Field. If it wasnt for her i wouldnt understand anything in the Medical Field. She watches me do procedures & in order for me to get them right she helps me out & instructs me how everything has to be done so i can be prepared & know what i need to have when im out on my own. Alex has done her best job at teaching me and every of my class mates. Anything that i dont understand shell take her time & patience to help me out & get me ready for either my tests, or my homeworks. Their is no other way i can put it besides that My Instructor Alex is doing her best job & is a great instructor