I will start with the good point. This practice is very small - only one doctor Cawley and couple nurses. You usually do not need to wait in the lane and it is always empty. Fist, we thought it is a good thing - no wait time. But then I started wondering why people not coming here? And very soon I realized that this is not so good pediatrian practice and that`s why people are not comming here.
And here is the reason. When we came with the newborn baby Dr. Cawley did the check out. He was not gentle and accurate. His hands were cold and he put the baby at the cold table covered with the white paper (not even blanket!) baby started crying immediately but Dr. did not make any effort to calm him down.
We are new parents but Dr. did not make any effort to talk to us and get us now better and tell us about new baby. He was VERY formal. This is not what to expect from small private practice, right?
Our baby had some colics and other problems with constipation and we tried to reach the doctor to talk to me but he refused to talk to us and nurse gave us very useless advise. Thanks God, we called our midwife and she gave us very helpful recommendations.
Ok, we decided may be fist impression is wrong and we should try it again.
So, we came for the immunization and even so it was not any people in the lane we had to wait with the crying baby for 30 min for doctor to come to us. They gave him immunization and then doctor gave us a paper with some notes how to introduce the fist food and again he did not talk to us.
Also, it looks like he does not have any children by himself and do not know how to connect to kids. our baby hates him. As soon as he sees him he starts crying.
So now we are living this practice and I am surprised were those positive reviews came from. May be this doctor is better to older kids?