Remember the Christmas movie where Santa recommends stores OTHER than Macy's? And how people became even MORE loyal to Macy's, because of that fact? Well, that's how THIS Wal-Mart is! I've shopped here since it opened and the smaller store on Franklin Street for 14 years. Today, I called up the Electronics Department before making a 20 mile round trip. Despite it being 5 days before Christmas, I was greeted fast and nicely by a salesperson. I asked him if they carried what I wanted, he put me on hold, and then came back and said, ""I'm sorry, but we no longer carry that item. ~pause~ But, ANY Radio Shack carries what you want."" Well, guess how far my opinion of THIS store soared? That's what brought me to leave a review: great salespeople, very friendly, super helpful. GREAT job, Wal-Mart! I'll see you after Christmas for those blow-out sales!