Dear Patricia merchant :\r
I know you must be running crazy trying to cover all this real bad reviews from Yelp and trying to fill it with your fake ones, I also can imagine that you had been creating fake profiles and making fake positive reviews but unfortunately to your intentions Yelp is not like Citysearch.\r
I going to give you some few Tips so you can fix this situation and keep going with your honesty practices.\r
First it all you must clean the cookies every-time you made a review on yelp, (this will erased any track ) also you shold consider to buy a program for change your IP address (my say I'm in Congo Africa but in reality I'm in Malba Queens) you have to do this due to Yelp's Filtered algorithm, so every time you have plans to make your Famous fake reviews dear spammer salon, you must follow this protocolo.\r
You should consider also create some fake profiles (easy task for you, I know :) and you must linked each other and also click to each of their reviews as a usefull or cool, whatever you consider, but Please Please don't be rush to comment yet on your owne business profile.\r
Let the fake profile gain some credibility for few weeks, and start little by little maybe one fake review each week ( no daily like you do all freaking days in Citysearch .)\r
Trush me is no about you pay to Yelp this people are really serious they don't going to erased ever your real bad reviews but you can star to cover this bad ones making your positive Famous Fake ones ... copy and paste from your account on citysearch you killed your self for years to created all this Bs.