sad thing i really don't want to give them a star.. but i live there for a year..when i moved in they told me its pretty quit and the apts. were so nice ill give them that..but after we move in there was a gun shooting next to the apt they put me in and they told me that it was just new that it never happens but i was dumb believed Security was there they were nice at first then they started to harassed me and my company to were my company wouldn't come over. they searched their cars.. i complained to the office they told me that they were just doing there jobs.. i saw the Security one day let themselves into my neighbors apt. when she was not home and the office told me that they didn't have a key and i was a just to warn you there is a lot of drugs and shooting and it is very unsafe to live there.i couldn't even feel safe walking to my car and they will keep your deposit even if your apt looks brand new they kept mine..