If you check all the good reviews for this dealership, the IP address shows that they come back to the dealership! I done went to this place to get me a car and online on the craigslist it was listed and looked great and on their website they show these great looking cars but they don't have none of that! It's all lies! They don't finance! I have perfect credit, my husband not so much, but he's had a great job for 4 years with steady pay and they wouldn't finance him!
NOT THAT WE WANTED THE CAR! They are gross! Smells of cigarettes, ripped seats, bad tires. The woman selling the cars with her big bouffy hair is a nasty woman who lies and cheats.
IN SHORT DO NOT EVER GO HERE! It's a far drive for us people trying to keep our gas in our cars and it's NOT WORTH THE DRIVE! Not even if you live a minute away!
TERRIBLE CARS, TERRIBLE SERVICE, AWFUL AWFUL AWFUL! Ugh and even worse the assistant manager was flirtin with me! CAN YOU EVEN BELIVE?