Dear Gator Vacuum / Think Vacuums, Usually I extensively research items I intend to buy, especially over the internet. When I started looking for a central vacuuming system I happened to land on Think Vacuum's web site. I called with a question about a certain brand and the call taker said that I could speak to the owner Robert, who could answer my questions best. She was right. Robert took time to explain to me about different brands, quality, and what the different warranties were. He didn't pressure me at all to buy anything but instead enlightened me about what to look for in a central vacuum system. A few weeks later I called back and placed an order direct with Robert. He even gave me a discount coupon which I was not aware of at the time. What I really liked about this place is that they took a personal interest in me. I know if I have a problem with my order or installation I can always talk to Robert. I wish more businesses would be like this.
James E. K.