they lie to you
this thursday i when there to leave my new jeep for service than is lub oil and filter replacement than cost 36 dlls after taxes and disposal cost 42.95 than is o k
the service person caming to my car and took me to the both where a show my cupon of 36. 95 dls for the service those usual send by mail to you house. the service person read this say ok oil and filter check with 10 point of security of the veicle.
i got a yelow paper to sing up to gave the permition to change the oil and filter where was not a price and spesification of the job than just splaint to the service guy.
really bad mistake.....!!
was 42.95 after taxes
when i got there to pick up my car the cashier told me is $ 431.95 yes you read right $ 431.95....
the part of the midle of the paper than i sing up was blank, this part was used to whrite other services than was not there when i sing up. they make a fraud.
of curse surprice o told her was wrong ? i just came with this upon 36.95 cost for lube oil and filter with ten security point and you told me 431.95/ what s whrong
that person with out respect just told me if you have a question go to you service guy.
up set i when there to get a splication about this and the service person say well you car have some miles and we make a turnup in you veicle....
yes just like that.....
i answear to hin not way, i never order that u never tol me that, never get a call to ask me about that, never u told me was whrong with my jeep never ever and now just gave me a bill to pay?
notway i do not have to pay what i do not order to do....!!!
the service person just turn his face and walk to the side of the booth and told me in his way let me talk to my manager but you have to wait cause i belive hi is in lunch...
that person let me out side by the parking waithing for him....
i was upset cause is not my mistake,
after i searching for that service person and was inside of a small office beside of the service boths where he call me and there the mannager with the name on his frames on the wall of david.
hi never told me his name, never was polite and with actitude of governator of cheep movie say to me; well looks like u did not understand what is ourperformance service? i answear no because i came with a cupon to do an oil change and the service guy knew that and result than i got a turn up in my new car. the mannager just told me this...
well you car was siertain milles and the turnup was part of the sevice necesarie in you veicle...
i repit again to him the reason because i was there and he just cut me looking at me like a roche saying to me...
well if you do not want to pay for this service i canot gave you you veicle....
just like that...
the bad thing is than i work in milpitas, the bad thing is than is the onli one veicle i have and the bad tning there is not transportation from brendwood to milpitas if is not a taxi.
they make me wait long time for just an answear, try me like a roche, make down for the mistake of the service person who is nothing onest to say sorry i made a mistake....
belive me ... this is not a review of madness is a review to those people who thinking than cause are enchange of one plece can do anithing but witout that pleace are nothing.
yes i pay...
now im in my job after a meting with 431.95 dls less in my wallet cause those frauds people who onest are not like a human.
of curse i make a picture of the paper work i got first and i will sent it today to my lawyer to resolve this madness than they did to me cause they are un update personel.
read the reviews not just this one and make a decition where will be the next time you will take you brand new car.
because they can make changes and services tan 31000 miles car dosen't needs like a turn up.
may be u can be the next. think tws.