I took my 2001 Cadillac DeVille to have a motor replaced. I have waited six months to write this review because I wanted to make sure that the company is as good as I thought it was. Previous to going to North Georgia, I took my car to two other shops to have work done. Between the misdiagnosing and improper repair on my vehicle both at a dealer and an independent shop; it cost me over $4000. I finally found North Georgia Automotive, apparently specialists on Cadillac's and they put a great motor in my car. They offered me an upgrade on my motor and I spent a little more than half the money I already spent, but received a motor that runs flawlessly. In the six months since my engine was replaced, they offered a courtesy reinspection after two weeks that I gladly took them up on and it checked out fine. Approximately two months ago, I noticed a small oil leak and called them. They asked me to check the oil level to make sure I wasn't low and come by as soon as possible. It turn