i have a few nice things to say about this store but mostly negative things. I went in looking for things for my daughters and i didnt even see anyone behind the counter till i walked further into the store. I saw a pregnant girl behind the counter who was really for the most part rude. Its like she didnt even want me in the store like i was bothering her.I couldnt believe how rude she was. She didnt even want to get up off her butt to help me. The other workers that were there that night were busy as an be doing things but her. The next time I went in there there was a few helpful girls there an older woman who checked me out and than there was a blonde haired girl who helped me get a few things down from up top. I would gladly go back when they are working but hope that i dont walk in when that pregnant girl is there again. The store itself is a nice store alot of selection and they are clean and great priced.