Dr. Yamaguchi is the most thorough and knowledgable dentist I have ever been to. My whole family is seeing her now! She and her office are extremely clean. She is extremely honest!
I went to see her originally to have my teeth bleached because I thought they had darkened after I had my front tooth crown put in. She told me it didin't need to be done. The color is close enough that I no one would even know there was a difference. She could have easily made $500.
She keeps up with the latest techniques and uses the new knowledge in her practice. Dr. Yamaguchi told me my daughter needs braces because of an overbite. The dentist I saw before completely missed this. It was confirmed from 2 orthodontists I went to for estimates. She also told us that my son lost 50% of his teeth and how to take care of them so he doesn't end up with false teeth. He grinds his teeth very badly. He has a mouth gaurd, but the previous dentis didn't notice as the teeth were being ground down more!
Best and most honest dentist ever!!!