I called to check on my daughters board rental. We were suppose to be able to pick it up in November and I was just wondering when we could pick it up. The owner answered the phone and our conversation started off friendly and normal. Than she asked me ""are you getting a snowboard or skis because we ran out of skis a couple of weeks ago."" This led me to think she may be thinking I'm just now initiating the rental. So I matter of factly and not in a rude manner said ""We are getting a snowboard and have already paid and you should have all our paper work on file"". She said back to me ""there's no reason to be rude. You don't need to inform you have paid. I'm sure we have your paperwork"". I apologized and told her I never meant to be rude and explained where I was coming from. She was nice to me after that but when I hung up I was thinking how rude she was to me and how I will not be going back there next year!