This is the first time and last time that I will ever use any house alarm service thx to Security Force INC. They are a rip off! Just a bunch of freaken SCAMMERS! I wrote a request letter 1yr in advance and followed up 60days prior to the end of my contract and was told that I was all set to cancel and I didn't need to do anything else. Last wk I called and spoke to billing bc I saw a draft on my bank statement, she stated I was clearly in the RIGHT to cancel and she would submit the paperwork. I called today to Follow up and they acted if I was INSANE and ignorant! They said my contract will automatic renew itself bc I didn't put it in writing 60days after I spoke to Rosie in customer care and was informed that everything was fine and didn't need to do anything else. If I would have been properly informed in Sept I could have faxed another request to cancel!! This has been going on for the past 2-3yrs and I'm fed up! I have contacted Eyewitness news 9 and will mail them all my documents. This company has to stop trying to get over on hard working consumers!!