I saw there were a couple of negative reviews, my experience was totally different. I needed a suit in a hurry and on a budget. The salesperson, although I was basically buying just one suit and working at the lowest price point they stocked, spent alot of time with me, helped me find something on the rack I liked, rushed the alterations, and answered my questions about shirts, accessories, etc. She certainly did some suggestive selling, but I have been in sales and that is her job. She was respectful when I said no and appreciative when I said yes to items, and we put together a package of items that I think I looked good in and could get without breaking the bank. I would shop here again and recommend the store to others. If you are a wallflower who expects a salesperson to be timid and only offer exactly what you ask for you might think they are coming on strong, but if you are a grown up who understands the customer is in charge is a good place to shop.