If you have a LOANS at this Credit Union they Will Misapply your Payment on your account and Will Not Even Notify you and therefore will cause you to be 30 or 60 days late and reported to the Credit Bureaus. This occurred numerous times through the Years.. and during the ""Over the Phone"" payment which there is a FEE which consistently increases ( was $8.95 per loan and now $10.95).
Oh..You have to ""Call-In"" your Payment because there is NO Online System to Make a Payment directly like most Creditors and Banks. I have repeatedly made suggestions and request to the CEO Angela.McCathran
(Angela.McCathran@peoplestrustfcu.dotorg), Kimberly Carter and Marvena Kinloch but No Efforts to improve their online infrastructure is made. Instead of Opening Branches, why Not Improve your Online Payment Ability so Members Does not have to Call over the Phone.
This Credit Union is Dated and Does Not Invest in the Technology Needed to Improve Customer Service to their Members.
Don't Call Customer Service - 713.428.3200
Hold times are Excessively Long and Ridiculous and Yes They Will Transfer your Call, only to Hold Longer for 10-15 mins.
So Again, Here is a Nice Summary to Why NOT Bank here.
1) Very Long Phone Hold Times - 15-20 mins
2) No Online Payment System for your LOANS
3) No Communications between the Reps and Collections
5) No Acceptance of Accountability
6) No System in Place in the Event a Payment Does Not Post or Gets Debited.
7) No Acknowledgement or Concern from CEO. - Never Got ONE Phone Call to apologize or show ways to accommodate the customer
8) Did I mention Long Phone Hold Times and Terrible Customer Service and Communications
9) No Receipt of Payment made over the Phone
10) Other Un-Happy Members please also file reviews and complaints at these other websites to Help Share your Experience