I just HATE having dental work, but I was long over due and a painful abscessed wisdom tooth forced me to seek help, and with blind faith, I walked into the clinic a total stranger, but after making an appointment, I had reservations and thoughts of just cancelling.
Thankfully I kept my appointment and I am so glad I did. My fears totally unfounded and I left feeling like I'd had wonderful visit with long lost friends.
Dr Jim and his entire staff were/are just awesome as they are genuinely friendly and caring.
Each dental professional there were more than gentle and truly mindful of my fears and phobias as they took care of my dental needs,.
No one scolded or tried shaming me for my neglecting or lack of taking proper care of my teeth.
My back wisdom/molar needed a dreaded root canal, but Dr Jim quickly earned my trust as he ""talked"" me thru each step of the procedure.
I wanted it all done at once, just get things over with.
And I anticipated the usual dull pain and aches that goes along with such procedure once the numbing agents wore off...but to my complete surprise, I didn't even have even the slightest twinge of pain or dull ache.
and didn't even need Tylenol afterwards.
But I did wonder if I'd been tricked or if anything had really been done! With my no longer having pain and seeing a nice ""new tooth"" was proof enough!
In all my years of dental procedures, some good, some bad and one I ended up in ER having horrible allergic reaction to medications. so my fears and phobias are with good reason.
But with Dr Jim Flerchinger, I'm in total awe at how awesome and gifted this dentist truly is!
I hope to be his patient for many years to come!
I'm still in awe at how gentle Dr Jim is/was...I never even felt the first needle poke! Now thats something else!
In all my years, I've always felt that first poke...but not with this dentist! He's awseome!