In 2009 my dog had surgery and ran out of pain meds from the hospital and we went to dr. mark to get more. when we went back to the hospital they said they didnt know why dr. mark gave him MUSCLE RELAXERs and not pain meds. Now my dog is having heart and breathing problems and dr. mark said there was fluid in his lungs and he had a enlarged heart. we got meds for both, but my dog ended up in the ER lastnight to find out that dr. mark didnt fix the fluid in his lungs and its been building up. We had to give my dog CPR and he was put in a oxygen cage and is still there now. Plus before this dr.mark said my dog also had bursitis and while at the hospital we asked about it and its really a nerve problem and the meds for bursitis wasnt even helping. I will NEVER go here again and suggest every else not to unless its for a simple routine shot.