Well, we did Lollipop dreams for my three year old and had about 9 children. We also had the added cost of an actress playing a princess charactor. it all costed about 600 give or take. The bottom line is the little party dresses were in really bad shape; they were torn and stained...really gross and it embarresed me to invite my friends children to the lollipop dreams and have them put on these discusting dresses. The food was just ok. little unappitizing sandwhiches and the cupcakes were also a let down. barely any iceing at all. really sad. I felt like it was definitly a party place for older kids say 5 and older if you dont mind the dirty old dresses. Also Sharen the woman who owns the place is not a very warm person and seems very unfriendly. she should definitly get others that have a nice personality behind the counter. all in all I gave it 2 stars if it deserves that. I have a feeling all the good testimony on the website are friends of hers.