My wife and I arrived and entered the flea market at 2:20 on Nov.6th. We walked around for 15 minutes and i noticed that a lot of the vendors were packing up there stuff and leaving. i went to the info. table and politely asked for a refund. she handed me one free token but refused to give my wife a token. a man approached me and said if you want to get in free you need to come back after three. he was very close to me so i asked him to back off. he came towards me and bumped me hard with his abdomen. i told him he was going to go to jail. my hand was slightly elevated and he came down hard with his hand and struck mine. he pushed me and physically threw me out the exit. this was all with out any provoking whatsoever. I later learned his name is fred and he said he ran the flea market. just a warning to let the public know what kind of people are inside the piccadilly flea market., and in charge. It was a scary situation for anyone.