Enjoyed a night out at Disney's Boardwalk the night before Halloween with a friend and we decided to take a taxi back to our Disney resort rather than take Disney transportation because it was late and we were tired. The bellhop called for a taxi and we got in no problem. When we arrived at our resort, I asked the driver if I could pay by credit card and he acted a bit huffy about it but took my card. After a few minutes of him trying my card, he told me it was declined, which was strange being that I had been using it all night. We insisted he take my friend's card instead which he refused but we kept insisting. After a few minutes of trying her card, he said her's was declined as well and told us to go inside to use the ATM. We tipped him a few extra dollars, feeling bad that he had to wait during this whole ordeal. Fast forward 2 weeks when I discover my credit card statement and I was charged for the fare. After being given the run-around calling Mears, finally I recieved a call back from a nice employee saying they would credit my card back.
I don't know if it was an honest mistake from the driver or if he was 2 girls in their 20s getting into his cab and thought he could get one over on us. Just beware when using your card with Mears and check your statements! I'm only rating 2 stars because of the wonderful women who was willing to credit my card back.