I dealt with both Dr. Gawley and Dr. Goode and they were both warm and caring with my cats. Yes, busy, but definitely caring for my two cats. Both had long term health problems--Max with diabetes and Freddie with irritable bowel, interstitial (sp?) cystitis, blind, and deaf--and they received excellent care until they passed to the great catnip field in the sky at ages 18 and 17, respectively. I attribute their long lives to the care they received. Dr. Gawley nearly cried when we had to put Freddie to sleep--but it was time and there was nothing more we could do to preserve her quality of life. Tell me that's not caring! And she didn't charge me anything. I switched to the C.C. from Cats Exclusive (within 1 mile of home) because one of the vets at C.E. seemed more interested in billable hours than cat care. I've been catless a while, but when I do get cats again, I will return to C.C. I drove from Edmonds to Canyon Park for 10+ years because I believed in this place. I still do.