We have spent well over $1500.00 since last February '11 when we took our elderly cat to the clinic who was loosing weight and was lethargic.Our initial visit was over $450.00 for a diagnostic workup. Our cat was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism which is common in older cats.Thereafter we had to bring her in almost every month for bloodwork and a checkup. We were told that she had to have the doctor check her each time and that they couldn't just do the bloodswork. The very last time I took her I tried to discuss with the staff about the expense of her treatment. That visit ended up costing $401.00 because they told me she was dehydrated and needed fluids.They also told me at that visit that she had tartar build up on her teeth and recommended a cleaning that would involve anesthesia. \r
We took her to a new clinic today. The staff were very kind and friendly. The doctor was very nice and personable and explained that the bloodwork only had to be done every 3 months and then every 6 mon