I have had such an improvement in health and nothing but positive outcomes from my visits with Dr. Oliver and NWC. When I first started going to the practice, I was like most Americans- occasional lower back pain and that one day a year when you feel crippled/immobile from the pain (and which you then immediately ignore when you feel better). My very initial visit to NWC revealed that these were just the early symptoms of a larger problem that was heading my way. I stand for 8-12 hours a day for my job, and my poor posture and lack of proper stretching and exercise were deteriorating my health, and I didn't even realize it. Thank goodness I came in when I did, and was able to prevent more complicated and painful back problems down the road.
For those of you who have never been to a chiropractor... Dr. Oliver is definitely interested in your overall health and wellness, so the name of the clinic is fitting. Unlike ""traditional"" doctors who just want to give you some Motrin and/or operate on you, he believes in examining all facets of your life that may be contributing to your ailments, and what you can do about them. He is not interested in pushing you out of the door in 10 minutes- he wants you to improve your health over time, making sure that you stay as healthy as possible. I've had some friends interested in seeing a chiropractor, but their PCPs/neurologists/etc. often express very negative opinions about the benefits of going to one. Do not be swayed by their views- I am a pharmacist, and I fully understand that taking Motrin or muscle relaxers daily is only slapping a bandage on the problem, not a cure. Dr. Oliver can actually help correct the problem, and I have nothing but the most positive recommendation of him.