ANIMALS ! that were ripped from their home and family ! stuck in a bathtub their whole lives performing tricks that they do not want to do ! just so seaworld could make money of them they get nothing ! just work work work !!!!!! In the wild, orcas work cooperatively, form complex relationships, communicate using distinct dialects, and swim up to 100 miles every day. Their life at SeaWorld deprives them of everything that is natural and important to them. They are limited to small, barren concrete tanks and are forced to perform stupid tricks in exchange for dead fish. the water in thesse tanks are full of chemicals nothing natural about that !!!!! IMAGINE YOUR LIFE STUCK IN BATHTUB SWALLOWING CHEMICALS !!!!!! FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE Tilikum shouldngt have just killed one trainer he should of killed all of them ! HE IS GOING TO BE PUT DOWN ANYWAYS MIGHT AS WELL . 8( THE ONLY THING HE DID WRONG WAS BEING CAPTURED BY THESE PEOPLE !!!!! THE HUNGRY PEOPLE IN THE WORLD HAVE THEIR OWN PEOPL