Our VP of sales was coming in from Atlanta, GA and I wanted to impress. Surely Chef's Table would be the place to deliver so I made advance reservations.
ONE HOUR prior to my reservation, Chef's Table contacted me indicating they would not be able to honor the reservation and needed me to move an HOUR later...I consented as I had talked up Chef's table and had no other options at the late hour. Thank goodness my VP was considerate.
At our appointed hour we showed up and ordered a bottle of sparkling wine (that is still shown on the menu btw) and were informed this was no longer available but a more expensive bottle was that the chef would ""discount"" $10 but would still be $20 more than we originally were planning on spending. We said no thanks. I felt a ""bait & switch"" happening but said nothing.
We ordered our entrees from the set menu and ordered glasses of wine from the NEW wine menu provided which was significantly more expensive then the first one we were presented with or the one posted on the internet. The VP ordered a Coppola Merlot (a red) and I ordered a Riesling ( a sweet white) for a total purchase price of $18.00. The server comes out with two WHITES and promptly wanders off. A horrible Chardonnay he tries to pawn off on me and who knows what on my VP. We send BOTH back when we can get his attention and I then receive a ROOM-TEMPERATURE Riesling and thankfully the VP seems to be happy with the Merlot they bring. (I suffer in silence not wanting to ruin the VPs evening and cause additional problems).
Needless to say the waiter was moderately attentive but incompetent. Not being a drinker is no excuse...If he didn't eat fish, I'd still expect him to know his business if fish was on the menu.
I was horribly embarrassed at the crass way the server handled the now thrice-mixed up performance especially at the equivalent of $45.00 per plate. There was no apology, just an excuse that he had someone else poor the wine. Good gravey, he didn't know a merlot from a white wine and he expects us to order $10 glasses of wine from him???? (the cheap stuff on the wine list)
The food was adequate but the vegetables were served FAMILY style on one plate for the both of us. I just gave them to the VP and tried not to look horrified.
I high-tailed it out of there after our food was done and we spent the evening over a wonderful bottle of wine and superbly cooked hors d'oeuvres at a different local restaurant for less than 1/3 of the price. I will not be returning to the Chef's Table with VIPs in the future.