So, we have to actually write a review since we do not have the option to respond to individual reviews as we do on other business listing and review sites. We clicked 5 starts because, well.. we sure aren't going to click 1 star, and it's for our loyal customers who stick up for us on all of these random review sites anyway. We really and truly appreciate your time, effort and loyalty. We also ask that you be nice to the reviewers who don't like us. They have a right to express theie views, even if sometimes one might not give honest facts about us. We aren't mad about it because we have thousands of customers who would argue with them any given day. The facts are in the numbers and the fact that we are still going strong and growing since 1931. One thing you learn in this business is that for every 100 happy customers, there is 1 you just can't please. Life happens. So, we'd like to thank ARhunter, xzoup and the two reviewers feeding in from Insider Pages, THANK YOU for your positive, honest reviews and for sticking up for us in some cases. It is very much appreciated! As for the others, we don't know what to tell you guys. Everyone has a bad day now and then. Maybe the chemistry just wasn't right or the stars didn't align when you came to visit us. Sorry you are so unhappy with us. We hope you find a sporting goods store that truly makes you happy and lives up to your expectations. Sincerely.