I went to Rolling Hills Ranch with a Meetup group. I was unable, in good conscious, to ride the horses. It was plain to see that they were not well taken care of. I use to volunteer at a rehab barn for rescued horses and our horses had more personality and spirit and better grooming than the horses at Rolling Hills Ranch. All of the horses will have to, more than likely, have their manes and tails shaved as they are unsalvageable. Horses were allowed to walk back to the barns unattended even though there were children hanging around. At one time a horse returned to the barn riderless and then shortly afterwards two people walked back. Neither of the staff of 3 went out to check what was wrong. The handling of the horses to riders was more like an assembly line. One horse went in, one horse went out. No one was matched to horse. The horses acted like defeated, sedated, robots.