The owner was very rude to me. I ""sold"" my clothes to them. The day I took them in a lady said I had 90 days to come back for them and on the paper it said after 80 days they keep the clothes. So at about 40 days I went back and asked for the clothes back. Another woman was at the counter and said I have to wait until after 90 days to get them. I explained to her about the paper and the other lady and she rudely said ""I am the owner, I think I would know my own policies!"". I couldn't believe it! They write checks on the 20th, if your clothes sell and she denied me because it wasn't on the exact day! When did companies start being so rude to their customers?? I am starting to think that she is trying to trick me into not getting my clothes back. They don't pay you very much, you get 40% of the sale price so if they mark it down to $20 you only get $8!!!