My son was addicted to pain medication and after talking to his school counselor, my husband and I were referred to Dr. Steven W. Thomas for dental consultation for his headaches. At first, I was very skeptical and my son's resistance to participate was a huge obstacle for us. All I have to say is that after one month of Dr. Thomas' pain free dental work, my son's headaches has vanished! It took a lot of rescheduling before we actually met with Dr. Thomas for consultation (our fault, not his). The ice breaker occurred with Dr. Thomas' calm attitude and approach with my son. I saw a shift of acceptance with my son after our very lengthy talk with Dr. Thomas. I truly thank Dr. Thomas for taking the time out of his extremely busy schedule to patiently deal with my teenaged son. Dr. Thomas explained the neuromuscular treatment necessary for his jaw alignment and it all made sense after that. I was scared to death for the life and future of my son on those pills that he was taking before we met Dr. Thomas. I am deeply grateful for Dr. Thomas